Pre Care Instructions


Increase your consumption of water starting now! The moisture in the deeper layers of the skin is part of what allows me to remove your hair. Dehydrated hair follicles are more challenging to treat. Hydration will also help your skin heal more quickly.

Good Hygiene

Cleansing the area will prevent bacteria from spreading after your electrolysis treatment. Avoid lotions, oils, and creams. Examples are makeup-free for face. Deodorant-free for underarms.

Consult your doctor

If you have any health conditions that impact your skin, heart, blood or hair growth you should always consult your physician first.

Be honest

Always tell your electrologist the truth and disclose all health conditions when completing the forms provided. This helps to select the safest and most effective treatment.

Remove your hair

Stop Tweezing, Waxing, threading,or otherwise removing your hair NOW! It’s okay to shave or trim the hair in between appointments, but we need hair we can see or pinch during the trial consultation or treatment. Approximately 3 days at least if you are unsure.


- Avoid caffeine, chocolate, or sugar on the day of your appointment. These can make you more sensitive.


- Avoid sun exposure or tanning beds 48 hours prior to your treatment to avoid dilation of the blood vessels

Serious Retinoids

Stop using retinoids at least 1-week prior to treatment.

Bleaching or Coloring

Immediately stop using anything to change the color of your hair in the area to be treated.

Cosmetic injections

Please wait 2 weeks after any form of cosmetic injections (Botox, dermal fillers etc.) to schedule a electrolysis treatment.

 Many clients find that taking their favorite pain reliever 30 minutes prior to their appointment or applying a topical numbing cream makes their treatment more comfortable.