Your electrolysis Post-treatment Care
Puffiness, redness, irritation, or small scabs may be part or the normal healing process and will disappear with proper care. Good hygiene is essential! It takes 24-48 hours for healing of the treated follicle.
Keep hands off the treated area
Apply ice to the area, if needed
Apply topical antiseptic 2-3 times per day
Apply antibiotic cream, if needec
Cleanse your skin gently with a mild soap or cleanser
Rub, scratch, or squeeze the treated area as this can result in infection or potential scaring.
Use exfoliating scrubs or loofahs
Apply heavy creams or makeup to the treated area for 24 hours. If makeup must be applied, use fresh oil-free makeup , kept free of bacteria contamination.
Tweeze, pluck, or wax visible hairs. Clipping, cutting or shaving is preferred so the hair will be available for removal at the next treatment. Please allow 1-3 days growth prior to treatment.
Swim in chlorinated water
Use saunas, hot tubs, or any sources of heat for 24 hours following treatment
Sunbathe or tan for 48 hours unless treated area is covered.
Pick or scratch any small scabs or tiny spots that may form in the treatment area. Allow them to fall off naturally.
During your initial consultation a complete past and current health history was obtained. If there are any changes in your health status please notify me prior to your next electrolysis appointment so that it can be updated in your health form. Your general health status can impact normal healing. Prior to any treatment inform your electrologist of any skin reactions in the treated area or of any treatment related concerns when they occur.